Nice points ... too bad Jesus ain't comin' back! He learned the first time, for many of the reasons you point out, that it just ain't gonna be woith it! Especially with the lunatic Cecil B. De Mel Gibson giving everyone an extended training film on what is supposed to happen when Jesus returns, inuring them with images of blood and gore and suffering and the like ... even though they -- the Xtian faithful -- seem to want to decry and empathise with the "Saviour," the ONLY way they can regurgitate their ardour and amour through their belief systems is to have the poor fellow suffering and trudging under the weight of a couple big hunks of wood. This is something that has been ingrained in their minds for millennia, the image of their "Christ" having his hands and feet impaled on the the Cross, just hanging their in eternal suffering and pain. Again, the only way they can be inspired to mercy and love and all of that is by having their subject of devotion in the most distressing of situations.

The consistent theme -- especially with De Mel's flic -- is they will have to get their Jew over and over and over again for ever and ever and ever in order to get their religious fix. This is like mainlining pain and torture and grief and all of that nifty neat stuff. And, this is why wars are so popular ... especially in the Middle East ... they'll kill enough to get their blessings ... and recall -- when you look up "blessing" in the dictionary -- that it is a matter of a blood rite. The French are not so circumspect about that ... "blesser" means "to wound." Wounds usually mean blood. Blood usually means pain. Pain usually means ... well, I'll leave it to your imagination.

But if anyone thinks Jesus is coming back for a repeat performance has also an imagination, perhaps not as sensible as yours or mine, perhaps on the order more of delusion. Like a bunch of Christers who are buzzing around looking for their next blood-junky fix ... vampyres all with their teeth bared like rabid quadrapeds, ready to spring into action and lunge at the the bare naked throats of the flocks of sheep that abound is so much religious story-telling.

Oh. For a nice take on "Arian" / "Aryan," go here:

Arianism Versus the Council of Nicaea
By Brother John Raymond
Church History

When we look at the actual history of this concept in the context of the churches, it kinda takes on a whole 'nother meaning and brings Hitler and Bush into focus. Apparently, the "Arians" didn't think Jesus was divine, or at least any more than they, themselves, were/are. So, maybe it's a case of everyone getting a turn if there is indeed a "democracy" of being G*D's emmissary (-ies). ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Grand Forks, ND, US of A