Go all the way back to Howard Dean being
the undisputed front-runner prior to the
primaries - with Kerry lagging far behind.
Suddenly, Dean's out and Kerry's in.
What?!? I found it disturbingly odd.
Not that Dean was "pulled" from the race
(I suspect those wanting to preserve the
status quo were terrified he'd actually
win the Dem nomination), but that Kerry
of all people should "ace it".
After promising he'd ensure every vote got counted in the Nov 2 election, he rolls over immediately and we don't hear a thing from him during this vote fraud meltdown - why can't everyone admit that both he and the Democrats THREW THE ELECTION ON PURPOSE.
Even if Bush was effectively ousted due to an obvious Kerry win, I wouldn't want Kerry as President if you paid me a BILLION dollars. I don't trust him, the Dems, the Repugs, nor our electoral process at all!
The last 2 presidential elections and the 2002 election were all SCAMS. We have got to accept this so that whatever steps we (the PATRIOTIC American populace) need to take, we do so with a clear understanding of what we face.
We have lost our sovereignty...
After promising he'd ensure every vote got counted in the Nov 2 election, he rolls over immediately and we don't hear a thing from him during this vote fraud meltdown - why can't everyone admit that both he and the Democrats THREW THE ELECTION ON PURPOSE.
Even if Bush was effectively ousted due to an obvious Kerry win, I wouldn't want Kerry as President if you paid me a BILLION dollars. I don't trust him, the Dems, the Repugs, nor our electoral process at all!
The last 2 presidential elections and the 2002 election were all SCAMS. We have got to accept this so that whatever steps we (the PATRIOTIC American populace) need to take, we do so with a clear understanding of what we face.
We have lost our sovereignty...