Dear Mr. Solomon, regarding Project Censored. Good show !!

I admire your fortitude.

With over 100 high level military and intelligence experts insisting the official 9/11 myth is false (, and a growing army of respected architects and engineers saying we've been lied to about 9/11 (, and a list of pilots and aeronautics experts saying we've been lied to about 9/11 ( . . . plus the new documentary on the BBC's shady behavior on 9/11 announcing the official reasoning for the bizarre collapse of WTC 23 MINUTES TOO EARLY (

. . . why would anyone think a respected physics professor of a respected university finding traces of "thermate" (a patented controlled demolition steel cutting agent) in WTC debris, should be newsworthy?

Project Censored should cover more "acceptable" truths. Inconvenient truths are not, and should never be allowed. Oceana's policy should always be supported by the facts. For facts that disagree we have the "memory hole."

Thank you for shoveling truth into the memory hole to protect us all from it. I shudder to think what kind of country we'd be living in if journalists told us of stories that made us uncomfortable. Thank God there are journalists like you to protect us from feeling . . . anything.

Warm regards, and best of luck finding your soul.

Bill Douglas