Great to see you guys on Lou Dobbs. Dobbs is one of
my favorites because he really is trying to get the
truth out.
I have followed your good work for 2 years....I even tried, one week after the election to get a senior person on Senator Biden's staff to consider that the Republicans stole the 2004 election by rigging the e-voting machines. He didn't believe me, said the results weren't close enough. Then, I didn't exactly know how they did, but I knew that something was wrong, since I had worked in Florida, NH and PA on behalf of the Kerry campaign.
My take then, as now, is that the only reliable way for a vote is the German system: that is using paper ballots, using civil servants to count with all parties overseeing. The people know who wins the next day due to the exit polls but the final count takes two - three weeks. I hope you would start to lobby for that kind of system. Don't you think that would be more secure?
Please make sure that candidates in close elections with a preponderance of e-voting machines don't concede. That's important.
Ron Rich
PS I have volunteered for John Hall in New York....and we certainly experienced many constituents being upset with the RNCC robo calls. They should be fined.
I have followed your good work for 2 years....I even tried, one week after the election to get a senior person on Senator Biden's staff to consider that the Republicans stole the 2004 election by rigging the e-voting machines. He didn't believe me, said the results weren't close enough. Then, I didn't exactly know how they did, but I knew that something was wrong, since I had worked in Florida, NH and PA on behalf of the Kerry campaign.
My take then, as now, is that the only reliable way for a vote is the German system: that is using paper ballots, using civil servants to count with all parties overseeing. The people know who wins the next day due to the exit polls but the final count takes two - three weeks. I hope you would start to lobby for that kind of system. Don't you think that would be more secure?
Please make sure that candidates in close elections with a preponderance of e-voting machines don't concede. That's important.
Ron Rich
PS I have volunteered for John Hall in New York....and we certainly experienced many constituents being upset with the RNCC robo calls. They should be fined.