On the occasion of Karl Rove coming to speak at the Texas State University campus on Tuesday, Feb. 27, the citizens of Travis, Blanco and Hays County are planning a peaceful protest in his "honor" in front of the Evans Liberal Arts Bldg. in the designated Free Expression Area.  Mr. Rove will speak from 11 am to noon.

Mr. Rove has been and continues to be part and parcel of the misbegotten policies of the Bush Administration that have led us into, among other follies, the War in Iraq.  His advice and counsel have helped the Bush Administration erode civil liberties at home and inflame anti-American sentiments abroad.  Mr. Rove's lies and dirty tricks have been destructive to American values and our standing among the nations of the world. 

Mr. Rove will be speaking at the Evans Auditorium at 11 am on Tuesday as part of Texas State's Communication Week program.  Citizens are encouraged to join us in giving Mr. Rove a real Texas "Welcome". Numerous citizens groups will be represented in their disapproval of Karl Rove. We do not claim him as a native Texan after his failed policies and strategies have ruined finances, education and the environment both in Texas when G.W. Bush was governor and now in Washington on the national front where deficits run in the billions under Roves' advice and guidance.