Many thanks to Harvey for the "Bush wins Triple Trifecta as worst president ever" article.

"Bush's "No Tree Left Standing" attack on Mother Earth..." in every sense of the words that make up that statement, is the literal truth. We live in Northern New Mexico. Behind our house and all around this part of the State there used to be many stands of beautiful Pinion Pines. Now all that is left is mostly dead Pinion Pines, the result of an ongoing multi-year long attack and onslaught brought on by millions of Pine Bark Beetle's, and these beetle's continue to multiply and spread at an 'unchecked' and 'unchallenged' rate that is no less than catastrophic. These beetle's are literal terrorists and a deadly menacing threat to all species of Pine, including valuable stands of Pine used for timber that is logged.

So, what is the Bush Administration doing about these terrorists? Letting them go unchallenged.

Both the BLM and the US Forest Service have been approached to help stop the spread of this pestilence. The answer from both of those agencies is that they have 'no money' or 'funds' available to them, with which to combat the spread of the beetle.

The result is that in some places valuable stands of Pinion Pines are being totally wiped out - killed by the little beetle that rapidly girdles the Pine's it comes in contact with, and just as quickly killing the Pine. Once a Pine is infected by the beetle the tree is doomed, and the death of the Pinion Pine starts within 24 to 36 hours after it is infected.

Like the Pine Bark Beetle, which sucks the life out of the species of Pine's it comes in contact with and infects, Bush and his Administration are sucking and chewing the life blood out of America, and the World, and doing so, like the beetle, at an unchallenged and rapid pace.

The greatest threat is that in November 2004 there will be an almost carbon copy repeat of the electron process that prevailed in 2000, but this time around a President will not have been appointed, the first American Dictator will have been created...

Sherwood Ensey
Founder, Earth Changes Central and Lamhfada Research Centre