I taught for sixteen years and consider myself an educated, sophisticated man.  However calm reason doesn't work with the republicans or their supporters.  These bastards are sending three nuns off to prison for an act of bravery second to none!!  "Dangerously irresponsible," Blackburn called them.  THOSE GODDAMNED MISSLES BELONG TO ME AND THE PEOPLE OFTHIS COUNTRY, NOT THE US GOVERNMENT!!!, and frankly, I don' t give a damn about em as long as the nuns are ok.  They are political prisoners, no less than in China, or the DPRK, or the former USSR.  This rogue group of terrorists, the Bush Cartel MUST BE STOPPED SOMEHOW!!!  They are MURDERING what is left in the US that is good and caring!!  Every word they utter murders some part of the world.  How many more must die before these black guards are brought down!?  I'm convinced due to and unlimited body of data, factual and evidential, that goes back at least a century, that republicans can not be reasoned with, and absolutely will not stop until they are DESTROYED.  Just as any rabid animal would be.  I know that sound reason requires me and those like me to abstain from any violent action until the next election, though with each passing day, I find it more irresistable.  

I am aware that this makes me sound a mad man, but for god's sake, how much more are we going to stand for?  I've written hundreds of letters to governmental officials, corporate moguls, and anyone who will listen, including Bush and his traitors.  The response has been next to nothing. Form letters, auto responses and etc.  THIS IS NOT A DEMOCRACY, and hasn't been since 1778.  The foundation on which this rogue nation is built is rife with FATAL flaws.  IT CANNOT BE SAVED!!!  An entire social paradigm shift is mandated, not only by the discipline of reason, but the DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE.    Something must be done and soon.  The world cannot long tolerate this terrorist nation.

Ralph Charles Bohne, III