The tragic arrogance & greed behind re-opening this 50-year-old nuke is beyond staggering.

See KILLING OUR OWN: THE DISASTER OF AMERICA'S EXPERIENCE WITH ATOMIC RADIATION to grasp nuke power's long-term threat to human existence.

I was at TMI in January, 1980, interviewing the victims. It was horrifying
 ( ) and will be again if this madness persists.

Today two very large reactor complexes in Russia/Ukraine could render all of Europe a radioactive wasteland. A seismic shock at Diablo Canyon, due any day now, could make Los Angeles a Pripyat dead zone. Dozens of downwind US cities are similarly vulnerable.

None of the 94 nukes now licensed in the US have private insurance....for good reason. VC Summer in SC is a $9 billion tombstone for what Forbes once called the largest "managerial disaster" in business history.

Wind, solar, geothermal & battery technologies can now provide all the electricity we need at a fraction of nuclear's cost, with no killing radiation, heat or carbon emissions.

Nuclear is far more expensive and dangerous now than when Hyman Rickover warned against its commercial use a half-century ago.

Silly Mythological Reactors are predictably soaring in price & delay. The AI/Crypto scam means to line private pockets at public expense. As at birth, nukes mean only mass death.

Solartopia is cheaper, safer, cleaner, more reliable & more job-producing.

Its time is now.