
Most of the mainstream media in the United States is participating in a despicable display of blatant, state sanctioned propaganda. I am insulted every time I turn on the television. The lies and sanctification of the criminal Ronald Reagan is sickening. The constant repetition of "The King is Dead, Long Live the King" is frightening in the extreme. What has happened to our country?

His policies maintained a system of rich & poor, black & white. He assaulted affirmative action and social welfare programs while distributing crack cocaine into our inner cities to fund his illegal war on a democratically elected government in Nicaragua. This was one of the darkest, most evil episodes of American history. The involvement of Reagan and his criminal enterprise in the crack cocaine assault on our people is very well-documented although it is rigorously kept out of the media. The advent of the crack cocaine "epidemic" has damaged many children's lives. Tens of thousands, maybe even millions of young dreams & lives vanquished, futures destroyed. There aren't words to articulate the depth of Reagans depravity.

How many innocents did he send to their deaths with his support of death squads in Latin America? For his actions in Latin America alone, he should have been tried and hung. He perpetrated atrocities there.

His friends and officials stole millions from taxpayers which should have helped house the poorest of the poor.

Trillions lost in S&L scandals (of which GW Bush took part in) when he slashed regulations & removed oversight protections. His policies let criminals run amok costing working people trillions.

While he waged war on the poor he was spending $640 on toilet seats & $1200 on Mr. Coffee machines.

He hurt many at risk kids with his assault on Head Start. He cut WIC & undermined education. Particularly obscene was his assertion that poor kids should get ketchup and relish as vegetables. Just look at the condition of our schools & the horrific undereducation of our children today to see what he did to the US.

And lest we forget, this is the man who created the FEMA concentration camps, along with that ultra-criminal, Oliver North, which he earmarked for " commie dissenters", American citizens who disagreed with his evil view of the world.

Most hideous of all, this was a man who was blessed with God-given talents, that if used in the pursuit of justice and peace, could have made this world a far better place for all human beings. The fact that he used those talents to harm and oppress those less fortunate than him is a grave, unforgivable sin against God. If there is a God in heaven, if there is any justice in the universe, Ronald Reagan is getting his just deserts. And I sure wouldn't want to be him!