Washington state Senator Eric Oemig has drafted a resolution urging the U.S. Congress to impeach Bush and Cheney and remove them from office. Oemig plans to introduce his resolution (SJM 8016) when the legislative session begins on January 14th. Senator Darlene Fairley, Chair of the committee that will handle the matter, has promised a hearing.

Oemig introduced a different impeachment resolution last year, but was never granted a vote in the full Senate. The State Senate of Vermont did pass an impeachment resolution last year, and 10 other states introduced them. In a number of cases, U.S. Congress Members successfully lobbied state representatives to kill the resolutions. The New Hampshire State legislature is also expected to take up an impeachment resolution in mid-January.

A great many cities, counties, towns, political parties, and organizations have passed resolutions in favor of impeachment: http://www.impeachpac.org/resolutions-list

Washington state has been a hotbed of impeachment activism led by Washington for Impeachment: http://www.washingtonforimpeachment.org Numerous resolutions have been passed in Washington: http://www.afterdowningstreet.org/wa