To the editor and please forward to Harvey. Harvey Wasserman is a piece
of shit who has no idea what he is talking about. I think we have
another Jayson Blair case here. His article is nothing more than
accusations and assumptions. They should not be allowed in print to the
public. First of all, this article "The Gropenator...", is full of
bullshit and nothing but words this weak, weak poor excuse of a man
can't back up. Arnold is an authoritarian serial sex fiend and Rush is
a drug-addicted racist and neither is fit to govern? Lets see,
immigrant body builder in his teens and twenty's, hmm Harvey Wasserman,
what were you doing when you were that age besides getting your ass
kicked? He is far more fit to govern than Gray Davis who even his own
party is recalling. He made improper suggestions to females who were
flocking over him when he is fresh from the european love nests. He had
not adjusted yet to our country and our reserved sexual practices.
Nothing like the reports of Gray Davis actually physically assaulting
female staff members of all ages and swearing at them, etc. Oh yeah,
you people forget about what happens in your party and it's demise and
the same 'ol negative public lashings of opponents will never stop.
Your a Liberal pussy Harvey, hiding behind that desk and that mop top
pussy haircut. By the way, we will see what the people decide in
California, oh yeah Harvey, the people's voice actually matters and not
yours! Next lets get to the Rush issue. A drug addict racist? Are you
not for the legalization of drugs like the rest of your people? Racist?
The truth hurts sometimes Harvey. Nothing he said was racist, it was an
actual fact that millions will agree with. There is a big push in the
league for black coaches and black quarterbacks. And guess what, they
ARE all overrated. Hmmmm, look at who wins the super bowls, not the fly
by the seat of your pants quarterbacks, that's for sure. Sure, there
are a bunch of superb black quarterbacks in the league, they bring in
the fans, not the rings. They may be more exciting to watch and get a
few more oohs and aahs out of fans but I would rather have a Peyton
Manning, or a Joe Montana, or a Tom Brady, or a Brad Johnson, or a Phil
Simms, or a Steve Young, or a Troy Aikman any day buddy. Hmmm, McNabb,
McNair, Vick, and Kordell Stewart. Where are they now and how are their
teams doing? Again, you have no clue about the subject you are
reporting on. Did you hear when he compared stats of Brad Johnson to
McNabb? Johnson is easily in the bottom half of recognized QB's, but
guess what? His numbers blow McNabbs out of the water, and he has a
ring. This weekend I was waiting for McNabb to blow up and show off his
talents, but it was the same 'ol McNabb and Eagles. His stats were
pathetic, every-time they were close to doing something, McNabb did not
come through. Then they were saved once again by their defense, just
like Rush a week before said keeps happening. You probably do not even
watch football. You probably spend your Sundays walking through the
park with your "partner", smoking a joint, driving your electric car
with your greasy ass hair wishing the world was this utopia you all
dream of. Wake the fuck up pussy. By the way, Rush is not running for
anything so saying he is unfit to govern would mean that he was seeking
some seat of some sort. Not the last time I checked. You people have no
one to blame except yourselves for the Republicans being ELECTED at an
alarming rate all across the country at all levels. Lets see, we have
the presidency for at least another 5 years, the senate, the house,
more than 50% of the Governorships, shall I keep embarrassing you?
Don't forget it is the people choosing, must they all be wrong, even
though you people control most of the media? No they are not wrong!
They are finally paying attention and your party's ideas are tired and
old and nothing ever gets accomplished. You have been presenting the
same ideas and bullshit for 50 years and guess what, nothing you people
stand for fits in with the future of America which is why your party is
dying off at an embarrassing rate. I'm done. I want to beat your ass so
bad you have no idea. People like you make me sick you Communist,
Socialist hippie pussy piece of shit. Take you bullshit overseas cause
their is no rook for people like you in this country.