Please stop smashing Kerry. He gets enough of that from gloating RightWingers. I would guess that after the media crucified Gore for kicking, he is trying to be smarter about this. He's probably been advised to keep his head down long enough to see whether there will be enough outcry about the voting irregularities to warrant coming out with a statement and exposing himself to a new onslaught from furious Republicans, or, far worse politically, ridicule from the media.
His concession is not legally binding, especially if there was election fraud or gross mismanagement or technical errors enough to change the outcome. The issue for all of us is that there are enough irregularities being reported that we must, as a bipartisan unified move, investigate both Ohio and Florida returns in order to thoroughly and irrefutably lay the public's uncertainties to rest. It must be swift, thorough, and completely bipartisan - it must not only *be* fair but it must also be *seen to be* fair. If I were Kerry, I would not leave a statement too much longer, something to the effect that we have to restore public faith in the fairness and accuracy of our elections due to the huge number of different questions and issues that have been raised, and that he would feel that way no matter who had won in the questioned states (because I really think he would - this cuts across party lines completely and is fundamental to our democracy).
Heather Preston
Colorado Springs