None of the recent speculation about armed service recruitment failures speaks to fundamental questions, which are increasingly being answered in the negative:
Will you die for George W. Bush? Are you willing to kill for him?
Are you eager to send your daughter or son to die for Bush in a war based on lies and invented connections to September 11? Are you ready to assume responsibility for the torture, maiming and death of innocent citizens of a formerly sovereign nation that had nothing to do with the death of 3000 American citizens on that day of infamy? Can you possibly think it wise, can you justify in any way, sacrificing your child to the arrogance and dishonesty of one man of flawed judgment and nonexistent moral sensibility? Are Bush’s political ambitions worth more than your own life, or the life of your family member?
Will you die for him?
Will you die for George W. Bush? Are you willing to kill for him?
Are you eager to send your daughter or son to die for Bush in a war based on lies and invented connections to September 11? Are you ready to assume responsibility for the torture, maiming and death of innocent citizens of a formerly sovereign nation that had nothing to do with the death of 3000 American citizens on that day of infamy? Can you possibly think it wise, can you justify in any way, sacrificing your child to the arrogance and dishonesty of one man of flawed judgment and nonexistent moral sensibility? Are Bush’s political ambitions worth more than your own life, or the life of your family member?
Will you die for him?