of all the words i've read about our current military adventure, none have spoken as strongly as the pictures i have seen.
the pictures that the western media monopolies refuse to even allow out of Iraq.
you find them other places.
like al-jazeera.

oh, no,
am i an enemy sympathizer?
if the children who have been decapitated by u.s. cluster bombs are the enemy,
then yes, the enemy has my sympathy.
because, pathetically, that's the most i can muster.

last night i learned,
through a photograph,
that 3 iraqi children
can fit in one wooden coffin,
especially when one is missing half of her head.

it seems that only those who don't need to hear of this, (my fellow sympathizers),

wouldn't want to darken a birthday party
being held for a lovely american child
attended by her pro-war relatives
and 3 young cousins
whom we wouldn't dream of placing in one coffin.
that would be barbaric.