
Your article, "Call it What it Is Nazi Propaganda reflects a return of barbarism western style based on modern technology and technological warfare with religious overtones, a repetition of past behaviors invasions/missions.

We are departing from what is considered more civilized behavior based on constitutional governments, international law, the UN international treaties and multilateral co-operation and respect..   

A barbaric multinational  corporate tyranny will become the norm if it is not curbed with checks and balances of some type. Checks and balances are being destroyed at all levels by this reactionary approach.

The checks and balances in our Constitution are being dismantled The checks and balances in our ecosystem/biodiversity are being pushed to the limit. The checks and balances within our bodies and within our food chain are to be destroyed (GMO's).

Karl Rove, not a novice, appears to be the master planner of this new "transgenic, technilogical, corporate, nuclear world order." He is unelected, illusive, deceptive and unaccountable.

He began working during the Nixon Administration,. His methods are precise and methodical and can be applied at all levels from the individual, to the family, to the nation and to the world.. And yes propaganda is one of the them.

The effects on our lives and our families will be devastating if he is not stopped. "Trickle up" at all levels shows a total disrespect for women and children. "Trickle down" is generally considered to be more empathetic and compassionate approach.

The best article I have read on the subject. When reading it you can see Karl Rove's strategy in every sentence.

Deana Jewett Ft Myers, FL

Basic law is when one entity harms another entity they are responsible for their actions. With no constitutional checks and balances and the outlawing of tort action the corporation becomes exempt from this process.  Corporations/multinational corporations can continue to and escalate harm to the environment, the family and individuals with no consequence. This is the within the framework of the classic definition of tyranny. This is within the framework of the classic definition of an overthrow.

This is not compassionate, this is hearts of stone and veins of ice, perhaps because of psychotic behavior. Saddam Hussein isn't alone.