I love this line of thinking. It is obvious from your article that President Bush was indeed responsible for these attacks on 9/11 and we should launch an immediate attack on the White House and destroy him before he destroys all of us. My gosh, how could I have not seen it before???? Thank you for enlightening me that the real terrorist is in the white house. I guess I just never seen him in his Third Reich uniform before. Boy, I sure am glad to know this. And I thought the Nazi's were defeated in the last century and I find out that they not only were not defeated, but are thriving in the white house.
I surely see the reasoning behind this also. Here I thought he was a convicted felon and according to your article, he was. That is terrible. For him to be a felon under Ohio law for possession, he had to had more than just enough for casual drug use, so that must mean he was a drug pusher, dealer, or whatever words you want to come up and they had the gall to actual chase him???? What is next??? Why would anyone want to harm a drug pusher who only pushes drugs on people and ruins their lives when they become addicted and then they turn to crime to support their addiction and the cycle continues???? I don't understand? The poor drug pusher....all he was doing was trying to make a living and ruin peoples' lives in the process. Surely he has the right to fuck up as many lives as he can without interference from the Columbus Police....Destroy children's lives and those of his friends and just total strangers who he doesn't even know. I can see where the truth is coming out by interviewing this innocent druggie at a memorial for him. Those people wouldn't be the least bit prejudice and we know they would give absolutely correct answers and there is no way they would deviate from the truth. It is the American way. Refer to the above article....
I love the sentence "The only awe I feel is the beauty of the forest and the quiet, gentle creatures who live in harmony within it". Being a farmer and owning some of those serene woods that you speak of, I know first hand the gentle harmony that exists. Every year when those Bambi's are eating my corn and beans and destroying the crops they don't eat by trampling them down, I think of the tranquil harmony that exists. I am sure that one of these days, you homo sapiens that write these articles are going to come to the aid of those of us in the agricultural sector and help us out by financially supporting those of us who feed your deer and allow them to frolic in the meadow and peacefully exist in our woods.........Will you be sending a check or cash???? I take both. Perhaps a credit card???? Oh I forgot, those of us in the agriculture community are destroying the land, etc, etc, We should all be eating bean curds and sucking on belly farts....How could I have forgot????
In short, keep up the good work. You do the entire world a service. You have brought me into the realm of reality. We have a Nazi for a president, it is all right for black drug dealers to run from the cops without having to worry about being caught or being responsible for their actions and deer are more important than people. I would have thought that all those people who die every year from drugs and drug related problems would be important and now I know different. Got to protect those drug pushers, especially the black ones.
Just a few thoughts for future articles that I haven't seen covered before...How about the importance of porcupine shit and how it co-incides with the environment or the accumulation of whale dung on the bottom of the ocean. I mean this is really important if you ever happen to be walking on the bottom of the ocean and step in it.....or how about those bean plants that you destroy making that bean curd you eat....don't those plants exist and aren't they alive...come on now, give those plants some credit. They work theirs asses off all year to reproduce and you come along and pick them without so much as even caring about their families, their feelings, or whether they even want to be eaten. Have you ever talked to a plant??? You haven't even bothered. You murder them plants and they can't even run away. They have no spokesperson and you slaughter them with cold blooded malice. You fiends....How about doing an article with their surviving members and get their point of view. A little bias in your reporting...You have a prejudice against green plants...a little racism here....your Gestapo members march out to the fields and kill them in mass numbers and then haul their little seeds home and eat barbarians....your heathens... what is the matter with you people??????? And you advocate eating them as being the right thing to do...and when you eat these plant "foods", aren't you indeed stealing nourishment from the deer????? What are the deer going to eat if you eat all of their "plants". I just don't know if this is correct or not. Perhaps we should start eating people and it would be correct for the environment and the plants and deer would be for this and the Columbus police would be happy. Sounds like a win win situation to me. Maybe do an article on it. Include a few recipes on how to fix leg of drug dealer or breast of bean eater....this is a whole field that you really should explore...I am sure the Nazi president could tell you how to fix them in an's a natural...kind of puts you in awe with the serenity and beauty of it....a human flesh would be a natural with the health conscience eater of todays society, all the vitamins and minerals etc. etc. that we need nutritionally are all ready there. I really think you need to check into this...perhaps a few of your colleagues could volunteer to be tomorrow's supper and you could report on that...And when you think of it, people are dying everyday and are being killed in mass numbers all over the world, so we would have readily available source without even having to rely on the Columbus Police. Another good idea would be on the idea of recycling condoms. all the material that is being wasted everyday when people use them once and then throw them absolute waste....and how about used shit paper, you know save a tree....the ideas are endless here and you people need to get out of the rut your in and expand your horizons...come on, those of us out here are counting on you
so again, keep up the good work and think about some of these ideas because they are in line with what you are putting out and you do indeed need to keep us informed and refreshed.
I love this line of thinking. It is obvious from your article that President Bush was indeed responsible for these attacks on 9/11 and we should launch an immediate attack on the White House and destroy him before he destroys all of us. My gosh, how could I have not seen it before???? Thank you for enlightening me that the real terrorist is in the white house. I guess I just never seen him in his Third Reich uniform before. Boy, I sure am glad to know this. And I thought the Nazi's were defeated in the last century and I find out that they not only were not defeated, but are thriving in the white house.
I surely see the reasoning behind this also. Here I thought he was a convicted felon and according to your article, he was. That is terrible. For him to be a felon under Ohio law for possession, he had to had more than just enough for casual drug use, so that must mean he was a drug pusher, dealer, or whatever words you want to come up and they had the gall to actual chase him???? What is next??? Why would anyone want to harm a drug pusher who only pushes drugs on people and ruins their lives when they become addicted and then they turn to crime to support their addiction and the cycle continues???? I don't understand? The poor drug pusher....all he was doing was trying to make a living and ruin peoples' lives in the process. Surely he has the right to fuck up as many lives as he can without interference from the Columbus Police....Destroy children's lives and those of his friends and just total strangers who he doesn't even know. I can see where the truth is coming out by interviewing this innocent druggie at a memorial for him. Those people wouldn't be the least bit prejudice and we know they would give absolutely correct answers and there is no way they would deviate from the truth. It is the American way. Refer to the above article....
I love the sentence "The only awe I feel is the beauty of the forest and the quiet, gentle creatures who live in harmony within it". Being a farmer and owning some of those serene woods that you speak of, I know first hand the gentle harmony that exists. Every year when those Bambi's are eating my corn and beans and destroying the crops they don't eat by trampling them down, I think of the tranquil harmony that exists. I am sure that one of these days, you homo sapiens that write these articles are going to come to the aid of those of us in the agricultural sector and help us out by financially supporting those of us who feed your deer and allow them to frolic in the meadow and peacefully exist in our woods.........Will you be sending a check or cash???? I take both. Perhaps a credit card???? Oh I forgot, those of us in the agriculture community are destroying the land, etc, etc, We should all be eating bean curds and sucking on belly farts....How could I have forgot????
In short, keep up the good work. You do the entire world a service. You have brought me into the realm of reality. We have a Nazi for a president, it is all right for black drug dealers to run from the cops without having to worry about being caught or being responsible for their actions and deer are more important than people. I would have thought that all those people who die every year from drugs and drug related problems would be important and now I know different. Got to protect those drug pushers, especially the black ones.
Just a few thoughts for future articles that I haven't seen covered before...How about the importance of porcupine shit and how it co-incides with the environment or the accumulation of whale dung on the bottom of the ocean. I mean this is really important if you ever happen to be walking on the bottom of the ocean and step in it.....or how about those bean plants that you destroy making that bean curd you eat....don't those plants exist and aren't they alive...come on now, give those plants some credit. They work theirs asses off all year to reproduce and you come along and pick them without so much as even caring about their families, their feelings, or whether they even want to be eaten. Have you ever talked to a plant??? You haven't even bothered. You murder them plants and they can't even run away. They have no spokesperson and you slaughter them with cold blooded malice. You fiends....How about doing an article with their surviving members and get their point of view. A little bias in your reporting...You have a prejudice against green plants...a little racism here....your Gestapo members march out to the fields and kill them in mass numbers and then haul their little seeds home and eat barbarians....your heathens... what is the matter with you people??????? And you advocate eating them as being the right thing to do...and when you eat these plant "foods", aren't you indeed stealing nourishment from the deer????? What are the deer going to eat if you eat all of their "plants". I just don't know if this is correct or not. Perhaps we should start eating people and it would be correct for the environment and the plants and deer would be for this and the Columbus police would be happy. Sounds like a win win situation to me. Maybe do an article on it. Include a few recipes on how to fix leg of drug dealer or breast of bean eater....this is a whole field that you really should explore...I am sure the Nazi president could tell you how to fix them in an's a natural...kind of puts you in awe with the serenity and beauty of it....a human flesh would be a natural with the health conscience eater of todays society, all the vitamins and minerals etc. etc. that we need nutritionally are all ready there. I really think you need to check into this...perhaps a few of your colleagues could volunteer to be tomorrow's supper and you could report on that...And when you think of it, people are dying everyday and are being killed in mass numbers all over the world, so we would have readily available source without even having to rely on the Columbus Police. Another good idea would be on the idea of recycling condoms. all the material that is being wasted everyday when people use them once and then throw them absolute waste....and how about used shit paper, you know save a tree....the ideas are endless here and you people need to get out of the rut your in and expand your horizons...come on, those of us out here are counting on you
so again, keep up the good work and think about some of these ideas because they are in line with what you are putting out and you do indeed need to keep us informed and refreshed.