as appearing in the free press, it appeared i authored the article you presented. the letter by me which you reprinted was written as an e-mail to people involved in an internal discussion in movement for a democratic society, not for a "public " that has no background in the situation. the introduction to my letter was not written by me, your presentation wrongly suggests this introductory letter was written me, and that i gave my approval for public distribution for my internal communication within mds..
mds is a positive development and i encourage all readers and followers developments to join mds, come to our meeting on february 17, and be part of the picture and process. we need a movement for a democratic society.
please print this note, with a correction notice attached to the article as it now appears.
mds is a positive development and i encourage all readers and followers developments to join mds, come to our meeting on february 17, and be part of the picture and process. we need a movement for a democratic society.
please print this note, with a correction notice attached to the article as it now appears.