
07 November 2006
To whom it may concern:

I learned of the organization by watching CNN last night where some compelling coverage on "What Happened in Ohio" was discussed.

This morning when I voted (McHenry County Algonquin...
07 November 2006
Nov 7, 11am-ish
My friend just voted in precinct 21-F @ Whetstone High School.
When the poll worker inserted the PEB it pulled up “Provisional ballot” several times.
A second poll worker was called over and then my...
07 November 2006
At precinct 02 Mount Calvary Baptist Church, Marietta, GA 30064, my wife and I ask for a paper ballot in order to vote today. We were denied a paper ballot by the person in charge of the precinct. I ask why? He said, "Georgia law. You have...
06 November 2006
Pelosi ... said her greatest concern is over the integrity of the count -- from the reliability of electronic voting machines to her worries that Republicans will try to manipulate the outcome. "That is the only variable in this," Pelosi...
06 November 2006
I moved to Mississippi and was told at the State Patrol Office that I could register to vote while getting my license. I caled the voter registration li9ne today. Guess what, the lady said that over ninety percent of those registrations...
06 November 2006
I just found out that the Republicans are calling up voters again this year and giving them the wrong location to vote at. They did this in 2004 and a democrat got such a call tonight in Athens County and reported it to me. I am...


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