28 February 2005
How does one eulogize their hero? Words seem to fail all of us when someone dies that we care about. When I have filled the role as minister at funerals, my bible college pastoral training does little to help. Death is a mysterious...
18 February 2005
It's time to rally around an embattled concept: free will.

Having aligned myself against a battalion of irresistible forces over the years, I've become a student of inevitability. How do environmentally destructive choices...
17 February 2005
Legislation Would Enact Sweeping Reforms by Next Major Election Cycle in 2006

WASHINGTON, DC- U.S. Senators Hillary Rodham Clinton (D-NY) and Barbara Boxer (D-CA) today unveiled comprehensive voting reform legislation to make...

17 February 2005
President Bush has re-nominated seven candidates for the federal appeals courts. Each was blocked by Senate Democrats during his first term. He also sent back to the Senate five other nominees for the federal appeals courts whose...
15 February 2005
The National Association of Secretaries of State recently held its annual convention. In the wake of two disputatious presidential elections in a row, there was considerable sentiment at the meeting for a resolution barring state...
13 February 2005
When conservatives talk of George W. Bush’s “transformational” role in American politics, they are referring to a fundamental change they seek in the U.S. system of government in which the Republican Party will dominate for years to come...


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