16 January 2005
In the bizarro world that President Bush lives in, it pays—literally—to be a miserable failure, a criminal and a corporate con man. Those are just some of the characteristics of the dastardly men and women who were tapped recently to fill...
12 January 2005
Much has been heard about Social Security being “in crisis.” It isn’t. Very long term, there’s a potential problem if current longevity trends continue. We are living a lot longer, and sometime around 2040 there might be more people...
01 January 2005
USA Today founder Al Neuharth's New Year's Resolution that we should support the troops in Iraq by bringing them home has stirred up a hornet's nest, according to Editor & Publisher Magazine which, after describing Neuharth's...
27 December 2004
This is a Christmas and New Year's Eve communication to friends who have helped us to confront Alice's difficult challenge over the past nine (almost ten) months.

First, we wish to express thanks to each and all of you.  We...
24 December 2004
When I was a little boy in occupied France, I saw priests sprinkling holy water on tanks, canons and other instruments of war so that Christians of one nation -- now divinely empowered -- could slaughter Christians of another nation. I...
24 December 2004
In a 1992 CNN interview with Larry King on "Reagan, the Pope, Solidarity and the Fall of Communism," Time Magazine's Carl Bernstein made a stunning assertion: the Vatican had offered to help buttress Poland's ailing pro-Western Solidarity...


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