01 December 2004
The more politically savvy will know Al Franken from his radio show on Air America, while the Saturday Night Live fans may remember him from his hilarious self-help character Stuart Smalley and his behind the scenes award-winning writing....
22 November 2004
Ohio attorney and prisoner-rights activist Alice Lynd was held in contempt of court and sentenced to jail on November 19 until she agrees to testify before a grand jury about an inmate's purported confession to her that he killed an inmate...
21 November 2004
There is a movement afoot, originating on the left coast, to amend the United States' Constitution to allow foreign-born U.S. citizens to obtain the highest office in our land. Chiefly, the advent of Arnold Swarzzenegger's Governorship of...
21 November 2004
Following the president's re-election by the electoral synod last week, the sentimental apoplectic in me couldn't help picturing the last scene in "The Day After," the movie about a nuclear holocaust. Shredded and shrunken, Jason Robards'...
20 November 2004
Ohio attorney and prisoner-rights activist Alice Lynd was held in contempt of court and sentenced to jail to Friday until she agrees to testify about an inmate's purported confession to her that he killed an inmate during the Lucasville...
25 October 2004
“Richard Burr says he’ll vote to increase defense spending.” The words of the television ad hung in the air like the cigar smoke in a back room of the Old Boys Club. Surely there must be a mistake. But no, a visit to Burr’s own website...


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