10 April 2004
All links to articles as summarized below are available: legitgov.org/index.html#breaking_news

Bush Was Warned of Possible Attack in U.S., Official Says...
07 April 2004
Machines will produce 99.4% of the election results for the upcoming 2004 presidential election. With all the hoopla over voting machine "glitches," porous software, leaked memos, and the creepy corporations that sell and service these...
30 March 2004
Perhaps, after all these years, Edmund Burke may have got it wrong: All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is not, as the wise Englishman once opined, for good men to do nothing. Sometimes men blunder into evil by the sheer force of...
29 March 2004
Richard Clarke in "Against All Enemies" paints a picture of wrong-headed leadership making bad judgment calls.  Given the Bush objectives, however, this can all be seen as good judgment, casting an entirely different light on 9/11: It...
24 March 2004
America owes a debt to society, and what a debt.

December 31, 2003 the United States National Debt reached the $7 trillion mark.

President Bush didn’t mention it in his State of the Union speech and the...
15 March 2004
Bush is privatizing America. Most Americans, and their elected representatives in government believe that the free market system provides superior results in education through competition, supports the best doctors and health care in...


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