
09 October 2003
Forget about the Terminator, Arnold Schwarzenegger is taking on a new role as Governor-elect of California: The Deregulator.  

One of Schwarzenegger's first political moves as the state's chief executive will be an effort to...
08 October 2003
California awoke one morning to find itself governed by a giant cockroach. It's official: we are now living inside a Kafka novel-though even Kafka couldn't have predicted the turn of events that would bring us to this point. To be fair,...
08 October 2003
Like Bill Clinton, George Bush seems to have some Teflon -like qualities. It is unlikely that the leaker of the info on Joe Wilson's wife's CIA connection will be identified. But as Bush and his bumbling team of lying incompetents...
08 October 2003
Dear Mr. Rove:

  I write to ask you to resign from the White House staff. Recent press reports   have indicated that, while you may or may not have been the source of the Robert   Novak column which revealed the status and...
01 October 2003
Remember the hullabaloo about The End of History? There were many of us who scoffed then at its hubris, the sheer arrogance of thinking we were “it.” Now, of course, even the adherents of such triumphalism are back in the trenches,...
22 September 2003
What questionable military program did both former President Clinton and current resident President W. Bush support wholeheartedly?  The National Missile Defense (NMD) program.   This program is a highly suspicious use of our tax dollars...


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