06 February 2006
AVON, OH--Congressman Sherrod Brown (D-OH) today called the president's proposed FY 2007 budget a set of failed priorities for Ohio families.

The budget, presented to Congress today, calls for drastic funding cuts in health...
05 February 2006
In another shining example of modern day corporate fascism, it was announced recently that Halliburton subsidiary Kellogg, Brown and Root had been awarded a $385 million dollar contract by Homeland Security to construct detention and...
05 February 2006
The State of the Empire Address

The De Facto Tyrant: Thank you all. Mr. Speaker, Uncle Dick, my Congressional collaborators, my five guaranteed votes on the Supreme Court, distinguished plutocrats, and the rest of you...
03 February 2006
Except in the cynical, zealous or spiritually clouded minds of his right wing devotees, it's become a well-established (if under reported) fact that President George W. Bush is a serial liar, if not a congenital liar.1 For example, after...
03 February 2006
Diabolic… Cindy Sheehan armed with a concealed T-shirt boldly snuck into Bush’s State of Disunion Speech.

How did she get in? In a plot to terrorize Bush, Representative Lynn Woolsey, Dem from California, nothing more need be...
02 February 2006
Opening arguments in the long-awaited criminal trial of former Enron chairman Kenneth Lay and company president Jeffrey Skilling is expected to start soon now that a jury has been selected for the case.  

For many people...


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