02 February 2006
The Institute for Public Accuracy has a PDF critique of the State of the Union for public distribution at: http://accuracy.org/s2006.pdf.  Please spread the word about this to...
02 February 2006
Opening arguments in the long-awaited criminal trial of former Enron chairman Kenneth Lay and company president Jeffrey Skilling is expected to start soon now that a jury has been selected for the case.  

For many people...
31 January 2006
(CHICAGO) January 31, 2006 - Rev. Jesse L. Jackson, founder and president of the Rainbow PUSH Coalition, issued the following statement on the life and legacy of Mrs. Coretta Scott King:

An angel of hope has taken flight. She...
30 January 2006
Remember this? "The British Government has learned that Saddam Hussein recently sought significant quantities of uranium from Africa." ?

Those are George Bush's famous 16 words from his 2003 State of the Union address,...
27 January 2006
In mid-January, the Associated Press published a report on the controversy currently brewing between America's religious right and families headed by gay parents. The issue? Whose children should be allowed to participate in the White...
26 January 2006
A provision in the "Patriot Act" creates a new federal police force with power to violate the Bill of Rights. You might think that this cannot be true as you have not read about it in newspapers or heard it discussed by talking heads on TV...


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