Did George W. Bush Steal
America’s 2004 Election?
Edited by Bob Fitrakis, Steve Rosenfeld and Harvey Wasserman
Preface by Rev. Jesse Jackson
“In contrast to the deadly silence of the media is the silent scream of the numbers. The more
you ponder these numbers, and all the accompanying data, the louder that scream grows.”
—Robert C. Koehler, Tribune Media Services
This comprehensive, uniquely powerful collection of
as-it-happened breaking news analysis, critical legal
documents, official correspondence, sworn statements
from Ohio voters, Congressional testimony, statistical
analysis, comprehensive polling data, and much more, will
stand as the definitive compilation of hard evidence in
evaluating what really happened during Ohio’s bitterly
contested presidential election, 2004. For those who really
seek to understand what has happened to American
democracy, it is the first must-have document of the new
millennium, and it will shape the historic record for
decades to come.
Forward by Rev. Jesse Jackson. Includes full text of pivotal
Congressional investigative report from Rep. John Conyers,
with supporting correspondence. Also includes historic
January 5, 2005, letter from Sen. Barbara Boxer confirming
her decision to challenge Ohio’s Electoral College
delegation in the first Joint House-Senate Session of its
kind. Plus threatening correspondence from Ohio
Secretary of State J. Kenneth Blackwell and transcribed
interviews from Ohio election officials, observers, attorneys
and more.
“Did George W. Bush Steal America’s
2004 Election?: Essential Documents”
767 pages
ISBN 0-9753402-9-8