
07 January 2019

BANGKOK, Thailand -- China is constructing seaports at two sites where
the U.S. 6th Fleet deploys, in Haifa next to Israel's main naval base
and Ashdod near Tel Aviv, prompting concerns about China's military

07 January 2019

The Democratic Party has nowhere to go but left.

The 2016 Sandernista groundswell and the Rainbow Tsunami of 2018 have marked a historic shift.

The diverse wave of millennial activists that...

06 January 2019

It is now widely understood that my ancestor Sally Hemings, an enslaved black woman, was the intimate companion of Thomas Jefferson for nearly four decades.
Monticello, the Virginia plantation operated as a museum by the Thomas...

04 January 2019
No other country in the world symbolizes the decline of the American empire as much as Afghanistan. There is virtually no possibility of a military victory over the Taliban and little chance of leaving behind a self-...
02 January 2019

Circle the wagons!

Apparently what’s under assault is war itself, or so the Establishment...


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