15 June 2012
I am writing to express my support for the Department of Health and Human Services’ birth control mandate and the Affordable Care Act. Recently across the nation and in Ohio, there have been many efforts to limit women’s access to birth...
14 June 2012
Editor's Note: The Know Drones Tour will be at the Free Press Second Saturday Salon on July 14.
The purpose of the 2012 Know Drones Tour is to do sidewalk public education, working with other groups to help generate a citizens...
14 June 2012
To what extent will progressive morality be a factor in the looming presidential election? Is it simply a nuisance? Will mainstream Democrats (yet again) cringe in its presence, disavow it, spout mostly Republican-lite platitudes about...
11 June 2012
Once I did put it on, Omar motioned for me to push back some loose strands of hair still visible outside my hooded sweatshirt. Long-haired men, though a typical sight in some regions of Afghanistan, are apparently not very common in Kabul...


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