05 June 2012
When Gov. Rick Scott's (R-FL) administration distributed its controversial lists of possible non-citizen voters last month, state statute required the state's 67 county supervisors of elections to send out letters requiring those voters to...
05 June 2012
The poison seeps slowly into the future. No one notices.
“The Obama administration,” the Wall Street Journal informs us, “plans to arm Italy’s fleet of Reaper drone aircraft, a move that could open the door for sales of advanced...
29 May 2012
This letter is in response to the articles covering the JP Morgan Chase investment debacle.
Well Mr. Dimon, it looks like you and your company have landed in the rough. This is because of the same type of stupidity and hubris that...
28 May 2012
The following is a photographic essay from the recent "NoNATO" demonstrations in Chicago.

Freedom of the press: a concept lost on the club-...
28 May 2012
One of the biggest questions in the space technology world today is will "missile defense" (MD) really work? Recently we've seen articles making a case that it does not work and never will. I would suggest that depending on where you are...


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