24 January 2011
Barack Obama is about to address a nation whose greatest potential liability is its Disneyesque illusion of atomic power.

Despite the nation's huge debts and fears of foreign terror, America's 104 licensed reactors are the...
23 January 2011
Turning Martin Luther King Jr.'s birthday into a national holiday is one of the things that America got right. It's a day set apart from all others, when all generations will pause to think about a great man, his legacy and what it should...
20 January 2011
While Washington pundits are talking up a new civility, many progressives are bracing for the old servility -- a bipartisanship that is servile to a corporate elite that is unquenchably greedy and more powerful than ever.

17 January 2011
Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. lived till he was just 39. He has been dead now longer than he lived.

Sadly, too many who never worked with, or even supported, Dr. King while he was alive and in the middle of the struggle, now...
15 January 2011
The case of Private Bradley Manning raises legal issues about his pre-trial detention, freedom of speech and the press, as well as proving his guilt beyond a reasonable doubt. Putting aside Manning’s guilt or innocence, if Bradley Manning...
13 January 2011
The Second Amendment supports those of us who would CONTROL guns---and thus prevent the insane slaughter that compromises our security.

James Madison and the Founders of this nation would be enraged to see the Second Amendment...


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