21 December 2010
Dear Editor:
In the November election, the under-signed (Bill Buckel) ran as a write-in candidate for the U.S. Congress in the 15th District. The on-ballot candidates in this race were: William Kammerer (L), Mary Jo Kilroy (D),...
17 December 2010
As is to be expected, mainstream media forgot to cover the antiwar protest at the White House today. Readers of the Free Press understand that the frustration of protesting under a media blackout. According to Rob Kall, editor of...
17 December 2010
As "conservatives" scream and yell about gays in the military, they might remember that in all likelihood we have already had a gay Commander-in-Chief.

His name was James Buchanan.  He was the 15th President of the United...
16 December 2010
“Barack Obama was NEVER a progressive or anything other than a closet Republican. This was true in ’08 and continues to be true. He successfully hoodwinked millions of people who chose not to listen to what he actually said in his...
15 December 2010
This sad event, held in a small conference room in the Capitol Visitors Center (Senate side), was sparsely attended by press, and sponsored by an outfit called the "New Deterrent Working Group," evidently an offshoot of the Center for...
10 December 2010
The White House and nuclear power industry may be on the brink of grabbing $7 billion in new taxpayer-funded loan guarantees for new reactors. But they can be stopped.



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