06 November 2010
After spending most of yesterday licking my wounds, drinking heavily, and staring morbidly at the metro section of the Dispatch, I am now ready, two days after, to put to pen and posterity my thoughts on this dark November and the American...
05 November 2010
Vermont has elected a governor pledged to make the state truly green by shutting its decrepit, leaking nuclear plant.  And the town closest to that reactor has voted to take it by eminent domain if necessary, a step unprecedented in world...
05 November 2010
Now what?
We need to build a grassroots progressive movement -- wide, deep and strong enough to fight the right and challenge the corporate center of the Democratic Party.

The stakes are too high...
05 November 2010
Thud goes hope. Whatever the causes of “voter dissatisfaction” and voter despair that gave the party of destruction so much power back, I sit in dread the next morning not so much of the results as of the phenomenon of openly purchased...
04 November 2010
Now that California’s Prop. 15 has been defeated, the bottom line remains, in the words of author/activist Harvey Wasserman: “The simple truth about America's marijuana...


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