21 September 2010
Laurie Goodstein's article, 'American Muslims Ask, Will We Ever Belong?' was intended as a sympathetic reading of the concerns of US Muslim communities facing increasing levels of hostility and fear. While generally insightful and sensibly...
21 September 2010
Children of Catastrophe is a work of courage, love - of family, friends, and country - persistence, grief, sorrow, joy, anger, bravery, fear, and frustration - in short it encompasses all the emotions that not only are part of life, but a...
20 September 2010
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the...
19 September 2010
It took the U.S. secretary of defense, for God’s sake, to get a Florida preacher to cancel his plans for pyrotechnic sacrilege on Sept. 11. A few days later, CNN asked some of its blog contributors to reflect on the incident . . . “now...
19 September 2010
A pithy idea -- now going around in some progressive circles -- is that elections are a waste of time.

The idea can be catchy. It all depends on some tacit assumptions.

For instance: elections are a...
18 September 2010
Andrew Bacevich has written another authoritative and well written book examining the U.S. military and its influence on the United States. His writing -- here as with his earlier works [1] -- is provocative, challenging, well researched,...


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