10 September 2010
"OK, so your heart's broken," as the old song goes. So's mine. But we have to get over it -- now -- and start taking action for the November election.

Granted, we're far from where we thought we'd be when Barack Obama was...
02 September 2010
On the last night of August, the president used an Oval Office speech to boost a policy of perpetual war.
Hours later, the New York Times front page offered a credulous gloss for the end of “the seven-year American combat...
31 August 2010
A veteran’s perspective makes it clear that two major points must be made in response to President Obama’s announcement regarding combat troops leaving Iraq.

First, there is no such thing as “non combat troops.” It is a...
30 August 2010
On Saturday I marched with ten thousand people in downtown Detroit demanding "Good Jobs Now" as part of Rev. Jesse Jackson's "Rebuild America" rally. I then visited my desolate boyhood westside Detroit neighborhood, Brightmoor, to remind...
27 August 2010
Jennifer Bowman: So let's cut right to the chase. In some of your recent writings, you've indicated that you're dealing with some serious challenges in your life right now. What are they?

Jason Miller: Aside from the systemic...


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