19 August 2010
The Department of Homeland Security says this is a motto for patriots, which is what I’ve always tried to be. After a lot of looking, I’m saying something.

I saw a large airplane crash into the South Tower, Building Two, of...
16 August 2010
It’s already history. In mid-August 2010, the U.S. commander in Afghanistan launched a huge media campaign to prevent any substantial withdrawal of military forces the next summer.

The morning after Gen. David Petraeus...
15 August 2010
If the United States is not kaput it is certainly withering away even as a rich upper class enjoys all the things that money buys. There is massive, widespread economic pain inflicting a huge fraction of Americans who are unemployed,...
15 August 2010
The teaser in Thursday, August 12th's Dispatch proclaimed "Diebold deal helps counties." It should have read "Diebold settles lawsuits by offering free and discounted shoddy election hardware and software."

This is the...
12 August 2010
More than 106, 000 viewers reveled in the exotic, interesting, unique, and independent films presented by Michael Moore and the Traverse City Film Festival in 2010! Besides such wonderful films as NOWHERE BOY (the story of John Lennon’...


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