
08 June 2014



Too often “the law” is nothing more than prejudice embedded in jargon.  

So the Obama administration, in its attempt to hammer another national security leaker, is directly challenging the right of journalists to...

08 June 2014

A unique conference is planned in Charlottesville, Va., featuring the latest technologies for the practice of large-scale killing. The ...

08 June 2014



New Mexico orders United States to protect people and environment


Plutonium and other radioactive elements were accidentally released...

08 June 2014



Blowing the whistle on wrongdoing creates a moral frequency that vast numbers of people are eager to hear. We don’t want our lives, communities, country and world continually damaged by the deadening...

08 June 2014



Every juvenile prison must be immediately closed and all of its prisoners freed.

Oh. Oh. Oh! That sounds too drastic and simplistic and revolutionary.

We talk about being reformist or...

08 June 2014



WE SUPPORT JAMES RISEN BECAUSE WE SUPPORT A FREE PRESS. Please join with Pentagon Papers whistleblower Daniel Ellsberg to TAKE ACTION NOW FOR FREEDOM OF THE PRESS. He's working with us to launch...


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