
07 May 2014
From the wholly updated new edition of The Impossible Will Take a Little While: Perseverance and Hope in Troubled Times, edited by Paul Loeb (Basic Books $18.99  Other...
06 May 2014



On March 17, 2012 Occupy Wall Street veterans gathered in Zuccotti Park to commemorate the six month anniversary of the beginning of the Occupy movement. What followed was a mass of New York...

02 May 2014
Two weeks ago in reaction to the McCutcheon decision we touched on an issue that will become central to our movement: Has the democratic legitimacy of the US government been lost? We raised this issue by quoting a Supreme Court Justice,...
02 May 2014
"Keep your eyes on the prize, hold on," goes the refrain of a famous song from the civil rights movement. We marched for freedom -- for new laws that would end segregation, guarantee equal rights, enforce voting rights, and provide...
02 May 2014
Enough is enough, sports fans. It's been known for decades that the owner of the Los Angeles Clippers is a racist jerk. Ditto the owner of that professional football team in our nation's capital, whose current horrific anti-...
02 May 2014
The mainstream media was quick to observe how the New York Police Department (NYPD) fell flat in its latest social media campaign. Many media outlets, pretending that they are internet savvy, or at least remove the ball-gags from their...


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