
14 April 2013
An emotional crowd, estimated at over 2,500, packed the statehouse grounds on Friday in Columbus, Ohio, calling on legislators to support the expansion of Medicaid proposed under "ObamaCare," (Affordable Care Act). The expansion has been...
11 April 2013
On the front page of the April 7 Sunday New York Times, the paper revealed that there was a secret deal between the military government of Pakistan and the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) to allow U.S. predator drones to violate...
27 March 2013
The Columbus Coalition for Responsive Government is looking for paid petition circulators to go door-to-door in Columbus neighborhoods seeking signatures from registered voters for our petitions. We are a citizens' group trying to get two...
18 March 2013
As I rushed through a cold drizzle to get to the Union Sportsman’s Alliance (USA) dinner in Columbus, I was stopped by a huge line snaking around the building outside. Assuming it was the ticket line, I waited, got wet, only to find out...
06 March 2013
At midnight on Friday, the 2013 Budget Sequestration cuts went into effect, making CMHA’s “neighborhood-transformation-by-demolition” strategy even more risky and speculative than before.

According to the OMB Report issued on...
04 March 2013
"Turn off the lights!" My dad would remind us. For the 1000th time. Yes, we took it for granted. But that was our way of life. Saving energy, saving electricity, saving the world — one light at...


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