
08 November 2012
Summary So Far
So far, I have been discussing the Lucasville uprising as a whole. I’ve asked: Why should we doubt the accuracy of the trial court verdicts? What caused this rebellion, anyway? In what sense can these...
08 November 2012
November 6 marks a tremendous victory for the fracktivists in Mansfield, Ohio. They passed a "Community Bill of Rights" referendum with 62.87% of the vote on Tuesday.

The Center for Health, Environment, and Justice reported...
07 November 2012
Election monitors are reporting funny numbers coming out of Clark, Columbiana, and Hamilton counties (Ohio). Two of these counties are listed in Ohio Secretary of State Directive 2012-49 as participating in the Secretary of State’s ENR (...
05 November 2012
A Columbus press conference on election fraud risks with Green Party presidential candidate Dr. Jill Stein, Vice Presidential candidate Cheri Honkala, and editor and Green senatorial candidate Bob Fitrakis at the Ohio State...
05 November 2012
The Columbus Free Press is joining with Video the Vote, the Ohio Green Party and dozens of citizen activists around Ohio and the nation to defend voting rights on Election Day 2012.
We have established an operations center in...
18 October 2012
Representation on behalf of the five Lucasville defendants condemned to death has been frustrated by the prosecution’s unwillingness to turn over to lawyers for the defense the records of its own interviews with potential witnesses....


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