
1. Iran has threatened to fight back if attacked, and that's a war crime. War crimes must be punished.
2. My television says Iran has nukes. I'm sure it's true this time. Just like with North Korea. I'm sure they're next. We only bomb places that really truly have nukes and are in the Axis of Evil. Except Iraq, which was different.

3. Iraq didn't go so badly. Considering how lousy its government is, the place is better off with so many people having left or died. Really, that one couldn't have worked out better if we'd planned it.

4. When we threaten to cut off Iran's oil, Iran threatens to cut off Iran's oil, which is absolutely intolerable. What would we do without that oil? And what good is buying it if they want to sell it?

5. Iran was secretly behind 9-11. I read it online. And if it wasn't, that's worse. Iran hasn't attacked another nation in centuries, which means its next attack is guaranteed to be coming very soon.

Petition: Investigate Betrayal of the Nobel Peace Prize
Endorse as an organization or an individual

Dear Members of Stockholm's County Administrative Board:

The signers of this petition include an array of peace groups and peace activists based in the United States. The undersigned wish to endorse and support the investigation that Stockholm’s County Administrative Board has reportedly begun based on it supervisory role over the Nobel Foundation and information received from Norwegian peace researcher/author Fredrik Heffermehl. We understand your Board has formally asked the Nobel Foundation to respond to allegations that the peace prize no longer reflects Nobel's will that the purpose of the prize was to diminish the role of military power in international relations. According to Heffermehl, “Nobel called it a prize for the champions of peace,…and it's indisputable that (Nobel) had in mind the peace movement, the movement which is actively pursuing a new global order ... where nations safely can drop national armaments.”

The summer of 2011 was one of the hardest ever on American nuclear power plants. After the Fukushima Daiichi disaster, U.S. nuclear plants were required to inventory and test emergency equipment , and undergo emergency drills to make sure safety systems were in place and working properly. One of the biggest threats to the safety of any nuclear power plant would be a prolonged loss of electrical power because the plants need to be able to continue pumping water over the radioactive fuel to keep it cool. Failure of one or more dams upstream from a nuclear power plant may result in flood levels at a site that render essential safety systems inoperable.

In the immediate aftermath of the Fukushima nuclear disaster, Japanese officials assured everyone that the problems at Fukushima Daiichi were limited and controllable, everything was alright; everything was under control. It took a only took few days for that house of cards to be destroyed, only to be re-built, destroyed, and resurrected many times over, in a perpetually endless cycle.

The predictable "blowback" is underway in post- Qaddafi Libya. The events in February underscore the chaos wrought by the North Atlantic Treaty Organization’s (NATO) illegal coup in the former Italian colony of Libya.

The first week in February, the New York Times ran the headline "Qaddafi’s Weapons Taken by Old Allies, Reinvigorate an Insurgent Army in Mali." Mali’s foreign minister told the Times that "The stability of the entire region could be under threat." The dormant Mali rebel movement, the Tuaregs insurgents are assaulting towns in the northern Mali desert. The Tuarges is in possession of anti-tank weapons, anti-aircraft guns, mortars, and other weapons that were part of the former Qaddifi military arsenal.

This should come as no surprise since ABC News reported last October 13 that former Qaddifi regime handheld missiles were popping up at Egyptian bazaars and the price for heat-seeking shoulder-fired surface-to-air missiles had dropped from $10,000 to $4,000.

A follow up report by ABC News noted that out of the 20,000 portable shoulder-launch surface to air missiles, 15,000 remain unaccounted for.

The media's ability to confuse celebrity "news" with war and economic disaster grows stronger.

As North Korea ramped up its threats to attack South Korea, CNN reassured its viewers that a nuclear war on the Korean Peninsula would have "no effect whatsoever" on its Whitney Houston coverage. (The Borowitz Report)

Whitney even in death outranks fighting in Syria, wherever that is. Right wing preachers distract their electorate (congregations) by linking God to political issues.

TV appeals by Pat Robertson and Jerry Falwell sucked millions of dollars from their flocks. God spoke to them, they said. "God may have allowed what the nation deserved because of moral decay," Falwell warned. "God wants you to succeed in business," he preached. (Quest for Power: The Origins of the New American Right, film by Landau and Frank Diamand 1982)

The great Republican Contraceptoversy of 2012 further proves the decline of old line GOP moderatism. REPUBLICANS, the so-called "business" party, should be the first to acknowledge that an unintended pregnancy's cost to society is WAY HIGHER than the price of some pills. Republicans, oh yeah, the so-called champions of pro-life, should be first to concede that the more CONTRACEPTION availability, the less ABORTIONS. Unless of course this party's moderate wing is so bent by the religious right, it is no longer allowed to diiferentiate between the two.

Petition: Investigate betrayal of the Nobel Peace Prize
Dear Members of Stockholm's County Administrative Board:
The signers of this petition include an array of peace groups and peace activists based in the United States.

The undersigned wish to endorse and support the investigation that Stockholm’s County Administrative Board has reportedly begun based on it supervisory role over the Nobel Foundation and information received from Norwegian peace researcher/author Fredrik Heffermehl. We understand your Board has formally asked the Nobel Foundation to respond to allegations that the peace prize no longer reflects Nobel's will that the purpose of the prize was to diminish the role of military power in international relations. According to Heffermehl, “Nobel called it a prize for the champions of peace,…and it's indisputable that (Nobel) had in mind the peace movement, the movement which is actively pursuing a new global order ... where nations safely can drop national armaments.” br>
The undersigned non-profit peace organizations and activists base their endorsement of your inquiry on the following facts: br>
Elizabeth Holtzman knows something about struggles for justice in the U.S. government. She was a member of Congress and of the House Judiciary Committee that voted for articles of impeachment against President Richard Nixon in 1973. She proposed the bill that in 1973 required that "state secrets" claims be evaluated on a case-by-case basis. She co-authored the special prosecutor law that was allowed to lapse, just in time for the George W. Bush crime wave, after Kenneth Starr made such a mockery of it during the Whitewater-cum-Lewinsky scandals. She was there for the creation of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) in 1978. She has served on the Nazi War Crimes and Japanese Imperial Government Records Interagency Working Group, bringing long-escaped war criminals to justice. And she was an outspoken advocate for impeaching George W. Bush.

The net is closing around media mogul Rupert Murdoch. Investigators in London report that senior News Corp. employees authorized hundreds of bribes to police officers and other government officials.1 And on Wednesday his disgraced son James stepped down from his role as executive chairman of News International.

But these reports of rampant criminal behavior have yet to trigger a prosecution of Murdoch here in the U.S., where executives can be held liable for systematically bribing foreign officials.2

Don’t let Murdoch dodge justice.

Demand a full U.S. investigation of News Corp.

Murdoch’s henchmen are now trying to defang the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act, which makes it unlawful for a U.S. corporation to pay off a foreign official for the purpose of advancing or protecting a business interest.3 Their goal? Stopping U.S. prosecutors from reining in the culture of corruption that has overtaken News Corp.

News Corp. has also sought to mute coverage of the phone-hacking and bribery scandals across its news empire.
Toledo, Ohio-- The recent U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) inspection report, coupled with a revelation provided by U.S. Representative Dennis Kucinich (Democrat-Ohio), have provided environmental intervenors against the Davis-Besse atomic reactor with substantial documentation to confront relicensing of the nuclear plant.

The FirstEnergy Nuclear Operating Company’s (FENOC) proposal to extend operations at the problem-plagued Davis-Besse atomic reactor by 20 years has been challenged by a coalition which includes Beyond Nuclear, Citizens Environment Alliance of Southwestern Ontario, Don’t Waste Michigan, and the Green Party of Ohio. The coalition submitted its supplementary contention this morning to the NRC’s Atomic Safety and Licensing Board, which is planning an oral hearing near Davis-Besse in the weeks ahead.


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