Joe Conason writes for the New York Observer is a journalist, author and political commentator. He writes a column for and has written a number of books, including Big Lies (2003), which addresses what he says are myths spread about liberals by conservatives. He currently is editor-in-chief at  The National Memo, a leftwing political newsletter and website.

Articles by Author

06 September 2007
As the deadline approaches for official assessments of American policy in Iraq, the Bush administration is maintaining a steady barrage of diversions,...
24 August 2007
As Karl Rove exits stage right with his ruined dreams of rightist hegemony, all the political signs and portents tell us that America is turning the other way...
16 August 2007
Until the ethical and legal questions that trail Karl Rove are answered, his own explanation for abruptly departing the White House must suffice. Perhaps he is...
09 August 2007
Listening to the Republican candidates for president warn against "socialized medicine," you might believe that national health insurance is really a plot to...
01 August 2007
While politicians of both parties have repeatedly denounced Alberto Gonzales for public mendacity and abuse of office, a few of them finally have stepped up to...
26 July 2007
Not so long ago, the Republican right expected to dominate American politics for generations to come. Karl Rove, "boy genius" of the GOP, believed that his...
