Social media is awash with liberal progressive WOKE people decrying Trump's decision to end the American Empire's proxy war against Russia. I certainly understand why liberal progressive WOKE...
It is Presidents’ Day, and President Donald Trump has made a bold statement regarding military spending—one that no other president in modern history has made. He claims he could cut the P...
Many leading Israeli politicians and prime ministers have been convicted of corruption-related crimes, massacres, assassination, war crimes, crime against...
Social media is awash with liberal progressive WOKE people decrying Trump's decision to end the American Empire's proxy war against Russia. I certainly...
The Capitol’s phone lines have been overwhelmed this month, and some Democrats are complaining about the deluge of calls from voters who implore them to...
The Free Press does not make a habit of posting links to articles readily available elsewhere. This is an exception. On Judge Napolitano podcast “Judging...
Is It An Inalienable Human Right to Self-Destruct and Take Others With You?Are a few decades of electric power really worth future millennia of radioactive...
My husband, former Congressman Dennis Kucinich and I first met twenty years ago over a rather unromantic yet profoundly important topic: monetary reform. The...
74 years ago this week, on 11/9/38, the horrifying event occurred that the Nazi Party called Krystallnacht. It could be said that the events of that night...
Among the flurry of actions by the Trump administration, it could be easy to miss one that poses a grave danger to public health and our planet: a no-holds-...
This is a press release from Smart Elections, published on Substack and elsewhere- editor.New York, New York - - As electors in each state are voting for...
On January 22, the Ohio Student Association disrupted Ohio Senator Jerry Cirino’s press conference announcing SB 1, a regurgitated version of the widely...