03 March 2006
Dear Bob and Harvey,

Thank you God and the Free Press for Bob Fitrakis and Harvey Wasserman.

I am grateful that you continue to pursue the election fraud and corrupt Ohio gov't. Your articles are about the only...
03 March 2006
I have been reading your email newsletters since before the 2004 "election".....and I have to say to you, "how are you accepting this total afront to your local democracy?" As a Marylander who so far has much less to worry about in our...
26 February 2006

My name is Aaron Jasper, I'm a twenty year old Ohio man and I've got an idea.

We all know how big this race for governor is. And some of us know the possible future implications should Blackwell win the...
24 February 2006
I feel like I can't make sense any longer of the Bush administration. Five years ago after 9/11 the Bushites were openly hostile to any suggestion that a foreign government should be able to influence America's response to a terrorist...
21 February 2006
Dear Dr Fitrakis and members of Columbus Free Press:

Perhaps you heard on WCBE a recent news story about Howard Dean's visit to Ohio and his discussion of the immense corruption of Ohio's Republican Party. The reporter was...
19 February 2006
Hello, The name Molly Ivins led me to this site. I know her to be full of outlandish dribble, so I wondered about you too. Right now I can't think of any publication I have ever seen that is more full of lies and deliberate deception that...


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