18 July 2005
Mr. Wasserman:  

Thank you so very much for this article! I remember being stunned by the revelation that Kissinger had delayed the war so Nixon could be elected. I was furious! I knew many of the young men who were killed in...
18 July 2005

  Ya know,one of Saddam's favorite torture styles was using bolt cutters to lop off fingers. I wonder how many would be missing before you started begging to have your picture taken with the woman's panties on your...
10 July 2005
dear free press,

undoubtetly by now, you heard the main person from time yesterday on c-span journal telling how the feds since 2001 have sucessfully managed to shut down all political news on the main stram media and taking...
08 July 2005
For Mr. Gerard's lack of knowledge, I ask that you send him my response.

  1. Turkiye is not a Middle Eastern Nation.

  2. Is the US a role model for democracy?  Guantanamo, illegal occupation of sovereign nations,...
08 July 2005
Dear Sir or Madam:

I was distressed as I read Gene Gerard's July first article on Turkey.  The article seriously misrepresents Turkey by omitting facts and ignoring recent developments that counter the editorial slant of the...
08 July 2005

In your recent article entitled "Did George W. Bush Steal America's 2004 Election?", you said:  

"Serious questions have erupted in New Mexico, where every precinct that used electronic scanning devices went...


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