14 November 2012
Yes, my side won. So, the argument could be made that I was wrong when it comes to election fraud. The real story is more complicated. I believe that my side – your side, the women’s side – won in part because voting rights activists were...
14 November 2012
Before anyone considers carving into a Butterball turkey on Thanksgiving, they should watch this video.

A new Mercy For Animals hidden-camera investigation gives a shocking look...
14 November 2012
Henry Kissinger's winning of the Nobel Peace Prize didn't, in the end, eliminate satire from the earth (or peace prizes for war-makers, for that matter). Conceivably, the impeachment of Bill Clinton and the lack of impeachment of George W...
12 November 2012
The goal of this book is to show the average voter that we have not been told the truth about our elections. As one who has spent a lifetime building computer models in engineering, corporate finance and investment analysis, I am not alone...
12 November 2012
On Tuesday, voters across America overwhelmingly rejected politicians' attacks on women's health. Today, politicians in the Ohio Statehouse have nevertheless continued those attacks.

The Ohio House Health Committee has...
12 November 2012
I saw the article that made it to nationofchange.org. I used to think that the electoral college should be abolished as well. After having served as an election judge in Minnesota through several cycles, I see one major drawback to using...


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