06 November 2012
Bob Fitrakis returned from state Common Pleas Court, reporting that Judge Serrott ruled against him regarding his request for a Temporary Restraining Order (TRO) to remove the uncertified, untested software from some Ohio voting machines....
06 November 2012
At a Washington Press Club news conference, Nov. 5, 2012, FreePress.org Senior Editor Harvey Wasserman, Green Party presidential candidate Jill Stein, NoMoreStolenElections.org Communication Director Sarah Manski, election fraud...
06 November 2012
Bob Fitrakis phones in to the Q&A segment of a Washington Press Club news conference, Nov. 5, 2012, to report on filing an election protection suit challenging last minute 'experimental patches' installed at the last minute on some of...
06 November 2012
Here's a video of vote flipping in Pennsylvania.

06 November 2012
Free Press Election Watch Report #1
Bob Fitrakis reports on a filing at the Federal District Court in Columbus, Ohio - 11 am, Election Day, 2012

YouTube link:
06 November 2012
A forecasting model that does not utilize a Sensitivity Analysis of alternative forecast assumptions is incomplete. This analysis of 10 battleground states is based on various voter turnout and vote share scenarios.
The states are:...


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