04 November 2012
Investigative reporter Harvey Wasserman lays out the ways in which the upcoming U.S. presidental could be stolen and what we can do about it. YouTube Link:
04 November 2012
The Ohio Secretary of State's office may be incorrectly removing thousands of legally registered voters from the voting rolls. The Columbus Free Press has obtained suspect election-related software contracts signed by the Ohio Secretary of...
04 November 2012
In the following two videos Harvey Wasserman discusses election protection issues with the Ecological Options Network.

"Busting Election Theft Attempts," first portion of the discussion with Harvey Wasserman

03 November 2012
In next week’s presidential elections women could, in effect, lose ownership of their bodies if the Romney-Ryan ticket, with its hard right stance wins. Even if Romney loses it will be a sad day for women in some quarters if candidates...
02 November 2012
The Free Press has obtained internal memos from the senior staff of the Ohio Secretary of State's office confirming the installation of untested and uncertified election tabulation software. Yesterday, the Free Press reported that "...


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