12 November 2012
The goal of this book is to show the average voter that we have not been told the truth about our elections. As one who has spent a lifetime building computer models in engineering, corporate finance and investment analysis, I am not alone...
10 November 2012
Keep the Greens off the ballot/ Ban the poor from the polls/ Fill the media with lies/ Pack the internet with trolls/ Shake a big nasty stick/ Wear religion on your sleeve/ Pick and choose the science/ You prefer to believe/ Buy a shiny...
10 November 2012
Legalization of pot (in Colorado and Washington state), a big hurray for gay marriage (in Maine, Maryland, Washington), lots of progressive women in the Senate and resounding defeat for the champions of “legitimate rape” (Akin, Mourdock...
09 November 2012
Voter Supression In Center City Allentown: I visited over 15 polling centers in my hometown to see the effects of the Voter-ID laws, which weren't supposed to be in effect until after the election. I filmed many interviews, and even one...
09 November 2012

A mass grassroots election protection movement has been born. It's finally forced the issues of mass disenfranchisement and hackable electronic voting machines into the mainstream.

And it's emerged from this election with a...

08 November 2012
Election 2012 probably doesn’t prove anything.

But it provides some evidence for the hopeful proposition that: even when the game is rigged, the cheaters lose:

· MONEY. Even though the Supreme Court’...


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