
26 October 2016

I have only visited the White House once, in 1975, a year before America’s bicentennial. Of course it was much easier to get in then–pre 9/11–and the public rooms still retained most of the vision and gloss of Jacqueline Kennedy, the...

26 October 2016

Radicalization: what is it good for? The song, “War? What is it good for?”, tells us that war is worth “absolutely nothing!” Is radicalization the same? Just something that turns everyday, ordinary people into gun-toting, bomb-throwing...

24 October 2016

Maybe it’s the phrase — “commander in chief” — that best captures the transcendent absurdity and unaddressed horrors of the 2016 election season...

24 October 2016
  As I drove my van into the main gate at the Standing Rock Sioux encampment on the Cannon Ball River in North Dakota few weeks ago, I was greeted by a smiling young Original Nations man. I told him that I was arriving from Ohio, was...
20 October 2016

The 2016 Republican presidential primary was rigged. It wasn't rigged by the Republicans, the Democrats, Russians, space aliens, or voters. It was rigged by the owners of television networks who believed that giving...


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