
Black & white photo of Mark Rudd
01 July 2016

Mark Rudd, who chaired Columbia University’s Students for a Democratic Society chapter and co-led the celebrated 1968 student revolt there and co-founded the ultra-left Weatherman, recently took part in a talkback following Home/...

Marta Steele and Jesse Jackson
28 June 2016

In a small press room on the fourth floor of the Cannon House building, an oversized crowd heard Revs. Jesse Jackson and Lennox Yearwood, joined by members of the newly formed (see ...

Upside down US flag
26 June 2016

How are our votes being stolen? Let us count the ways…

Electoral Proctology

As the fateful June 7 primary election day approached in 6 states, including California, a stellar group of...

Cover of the book with picture of a guy voting on one side and a guy programming the voting machine to flip the vote on the other side
11 June 2016

Buy this book $15 at the Free Press store

The Strip & Flip Selection of 2016: Five Jim Crows & Electronic Election Theft


Protest outside Wendy's headquarters during the company's 2016 shareholder meeting
30 May 2016

Over 50 years ago, the TV documentary Harvest of Shame brought a national spotlight on the town of Immokalee, Florida and the exploitation of migrant farm laborers across the U.S. In the years that followed, the work of Cesar...

Book cover
28 May 2016

From its opening words of dedication, Janet Phelan’s EXILE hooks the reader with her intuitive grasp of the work’s place in history as she warns those of us awake enough to question the American Dream:

“To the ones who came...


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